OLPR 11th Annual

Golf Classic

Date: Saturday, April 12, 2025 (Rain or Shine)
Time: 12:00 PM tee-time (11:30 PM registration)
Location: Bensalem Township Country Club
Price: $150 per golfer
*Includes: Golfer Gifts, Luncheon at Bensalem Country Club,

Greens Fees, Range Balls, Cart, and Snacks 

Sponsorships and Costs:

Title Sponsor:  $5,000
*Includes foursome, title credit in promotional materials,

and recognition sign on course.

Luncheon Sponsor:  $2,500
*Includes foursome and recognition sign on course.

Beverage Cart Sponsor: 
*Includes foursome and recognition sign on beverage cart.

Breakfast Sponsor:  $1,000
*Includes foursome and recognition sign at registration

Longest Drive:  $1,000
*Includes foursome and recognition sign at contest hole.

Closest to Pin:  $1,000
*Includes foursome and recognition sign at contest hole.

Raffle Sponsor: $750
*Includes twosome and recognition sign at registration table.

Prize Hole Sponsor:  $250

Hole Sponsor:  $100

Individual Golfer:  $150

**ALL sponsorships include tee/green signage, listing in the OLPR Times Newsletter, as well as on the OLPR Golf Classic website.

**$40 of the $150 golfer fee is tax deductible

For more information, email Renee Rozniatoski at renee@olpr.org